List of Stretches to Eliminate Back Pain

Stretches to Eliminate Back Pain

List of Stretches to Eliminate Back Pain

Back pain is a widespread issue, affecting millions globally. According to Dr. Chaiyot Thiranont, an orthopedist specializing in spine surgery at MedPark Hospital, approximately 80% of adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives.

While there are many ways to manage back pain, one effective yet often overlooked method is stretching, especially when combined with using a hot tub for your back pain.

Anyone who has dealt with an aching back can vouch for the incredible benefits of using a hot tub for sore back issues.

Below, we have discussed some highly effective stretches you can do, both in and out of a hot tub, to help relieve back pain.

4 Effective Stretches To Try In Hot Tub For Back Pain

1.   Hamstring Stretch

Tight hamstrings are often a hidden cause of lower back pain. The hamstring stretch targets this area, helping to reduce the strain on your lower back.

To perform this:

  • While seated on the edge of the hot tub or a bench, extend one leg out in front of you, keeping it straight.
  • Reach towards your toes, aiming to hold the stretch for about 20–30 seconds.
  • If you’re in the hot tub, the water will help support your leg and reduce any discomfort, making it easier to reach further.

Regularly performing this stretch can improve flexibility and reduce the chances of developing a sore back.

2.   Folding Stretch

The Folding Stretch, or forward bend, is an excellent way to release tension in your back and improve overall flexibility.

To perform this:

  • Start by standing straight, with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lean forward at the hips while extending your arms toward your toes. If you’re not very flexible, don’t worry—just reach as far as you can without straining.

This stretch can be adapted for the hot tub by performing it while seated or standing in the water. The buoyancy of the water supports your body, reducing pressure on the spine and making the stretch more comfortable.

3.   Torso Twist

The Torso Twist is a gentle way to stretch the muscles around your spine, improving mobility and reducing stiffness.

To perform this:

  • Sit comfortably in the hot tub with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your right hand on the left knee, gently twisting your torso to the left.
  • Hold the stretch for a few seconds before returning to the center, then repeat on the other side.

The warm water in the hot tub helps to relax your muscles. This exercise is effective in a hot tub for back pain because the heat increases blood flow to the muscles, speeding up recovery and easing discomfort.

4.   Leg Extensions

Leg extensions are another effective exercise for alleviating back pain, particularly when done in the supportive environment of a hot tub.

To perform this:

  • Sit on the edge of the hot tub with your legs extended straight out in front of you.
  • Slowly lift one leg as high as you can without bending the knee, then lower it back down.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

In the hot tub, the water provides gentle resistance, helping to strengthen your lower back and core muscles without putting too much strain on them.

Regularly including leg extensions into your routine, especially in a hot tub and back pain setting, can help prevent future pain and improve overall back health.

Final Thoughts

Back pain doesn’t need to be a permanent fixture in your life. By incorporating these simple stretches into your daily routine, you can reduce discomfort and improve your overall well-being.

When performed in a hot tub, these stretches become even more beneficial due to the therapeutic properties of warm water. Whether you’re dealing with chronic back pain or just occasional soreness, using a hot tub for back pain can provide much-needed relief.

If you’re considering investing in one, reputable retailers like Colorado Springs Hot Tubs offer a wide selection, including the highly recommended Dimension One Hot Tub.