DIY: How To Maintain Your Hot Tub

Hot Tub Maintenance

DIY: How To Maintain Your Hot Tub

Owning a hot tub can be one of life’s great luxuries, offering a space to unwind and relieve stress. However, regular hot tub maintenance is crucial to keeping it in perfect condition.

Hot tub owners often face costly repairs due to poor maintenance. With hot tub sales on the rise, proper upkeep is essential to keep your tub clean, safe, and enjoyable.

Here’s a personal guide to keeping your hot tub in top shape so you can focus on relaxation, not repairs.

5 Easy Steps For DIY Hot Tub Maintenance

1.   Regular Basic Cleaning

One of the first things you need to know about hot tub maintenance is that regular cleaning is non-negotiable.

Regular cleaning helps to extend the lifespan of your tub.

How Do You Start Cleaning a Hot Tub? Let’s start:

  • Begin by draining the water completely.
  • Once drained, use a soft cloth or sponge with a non-abrasive cleaner designed for hot tubs.
  • Pay extra attention to the waterline, where grime tends to build up.
  • Avoid using household cleaners that leave residues, making the water foamy or irritating your skin.

This regular cleaning should be done every 1 to 3 months, depending on how often you use your tub.

2.   Maintain Proper Water Circulation

Stagnant water can become a breeding ground for bacteria and algae, leading to unpleasant odors and potential health risks.

When the water circulates, it passes through the filter, removing impurities and keeping it clear.

To maintain good circulation, run the hot tub’s spa maintenance cycle daily, even if you’re not using it. Most modern hot tubs have a built-in circulation pump that runs automatically, but it’s always good to double-check.

3.   Set Water’s Alkaline And pH Levels

The ideal pH level for hot tub water is between 7.2 and 7.8. If the pH level is too high, the water becomes too alkaline, leading to cloudy water and scaling on the tub’s surface.

If it’s too low, the water becomes too acidic, which can cause skin irritation and corrosion of the hot tub’s components. Regularly test the water using pH strips or digital testers. If the pH levels are off, use pH increasers or decreasers to adjust them.

Properly balanced water not only feels better on your skin but also helps prevent costly repairs in the future.

4.   Change Water Regularly

Over time, the water can accumulate dissolved solids, making it harder to balance chemicals and maintain cleanliness. Generally, it’s recommended to change your hot tub water every three to four months.

Before draining the water, add a pipe cleaner solution and run the jets for a few minutes. This helps to break down any build-up inside the plumbing. Once drained, clean the interior thoroughly.

As previously discussed, after refilling, balance the water’s pH and alkalinity levels.

5.   Filter Cleaning & Replacing

Your hot tub’s filter is like its kidneys, working hard to remove impurities and keep the water clean. Over time, dirt, oils, and debris can clog the filters, reducing their effectiveness.

Regular cleaning and filter replacement are essential parts of hot tub maintenance. To clean, remove the filter and rinse it thoroughly with a garden hose, removing all visible debris.

Keeping up with this routine ensures your hot tub stays hygienic and safe.

Final Verdict

Maintaining your hot tub is easier than it seems, even with the high demand for hot tub sales and services in Colorado Springs. Regular upkeep is key to ensuring your hot tub stays a pleasant and functional part of your home for years.

By incorporating the above-discussed steps into your regular routine, you’ll enjoy consistently balanced water and a well-maintained hot tub.