
Top 6 Summer Cocktail Recipes to Enjoy by the Hot Tub

Top 6 Summer Cocktail Recipes to enjoy in your hot tub. If you enjoy cocktails, fresh ingredients like cucumber, mint, lemon, and berries mixed with juice and ice are a simple pleasure on a hot summer evening. We have selected 6 delicious and easy to make beverages to enjoy by the hot tub this summer.

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How Much Electricity Does a Hot Tub Consume?

How Much Will My Electric Bill Be Affected By A New Hot Tub? If you are thinking about buying a hot tub, you may be Asking: How much electricity does a hot tub consume? How much will a hot tub affect my electricity bill? These worries are very understandable; after all, hot tubs used to require a substantial amount of power to maintain the constant high temperature. However, if you’re purchasing a newer hot tub, there is some good news. In recent years, hot tub manufacturers have aggressively improved energy efficiency.  So the change in your monthly bill is likely to be much less than you may dread. Here, we have addressed some of the most frequently-asked questions about how much you can expect your electric bill to increase when you add a new or used hot tub to your home. How Much Electricity Does a Hot Tub Consume? For

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Plan a Romantic Hot Tub Date Night

Plan a romantic hot tub date night experience Some of the best romantic dates start well before the candles are ever lit. Let the anticipation build throughout the day and by the time you are finally together you are both ready for romance and a deep connection. To make your romantic date special, consider a romantic soak in the hot tub together. Here are some tips and ideas to help you plan a truly romantic experience. Preparing for your romantic encounter First you should decide if you want to plan this date night on your own or in collaboration with your loved one. Small details go a long way toward making your night special and memorable. By using the hot tub as the central attraction to your evening, it makes planning the evening simple. Especially when you focus on inspiring all the senses. Set the Tone Build up the anticipation

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How Hot Tubs Can Help With Weight Loss

Did you know that stress can cause weight gain? Hot tubs can help lower your stress level, and in turn, help you to lose weight.

Using a hot tub is a very effective stress management method. Here, we will discuss how warm water hydrotherapy in your hot tub can help keep stress at an improved manageable level.

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Top 5 Hosting Tips for a Fun Hot Tub Party

The greatest and most memorable parties always include hot tubs. After all, only a few things can beat soaking in warm water, with jets massaging your back, and being in the company of good friends and family and all at the same time!

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Hot Tub Safety Tips For a Safe and Healthy Hot Tub

A hot tub can bring enjoyment and entertainment to your family, but there are some hot tub safety tips every hot tub owner should know. For a safe, healthy and relaxing soak, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Make hot tub safety simple with a little sensibility and some helpful tips.

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What is Hydrotherapy? – Hot Tubs For Your Health Benefits

Hydrotherapy has been utilized for thousands of years. The Romans and Greeks treated a variety of conditions with it. Using three of nature’s most powerful relieving agents: heat, water and air, it stimulates and gently massages the body while helping to ease away aches and pains. It’s a natural therapy, that is safely used by hospitals, physiotherapists and health spas all around the world. You should first consult with your physician to see if this can benefit you.

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